Thursday, April 1, 2021

Inspiration Master - Annapolis Toastmaster 4/1/2021

Ladies and Gentlemen...

This day can act as a beacon of hope for the days when we need inspiration...

About a year ago, my boss sent a video from an inspirational web site. Considering we were about a month into Covid Shutdowns, I was really feeling the need for a little inspiration myself.  

I captured 9 inspirational quotes, wrote them on a 5x7 card and tacked it up in front of me.  This quote has stood out to me for several reasons.  

- It caused me to look at today, and each day as what could be considered beacons for the future.  

- It caused me to consider that future. that I've overcome challenges before, and I can overcome others just as well.

- and finally, It caused me to look back, and review those days that seemed like tremendous struggles.  I'm sure each of us can think of one of these types of days.

I'd like to share a quick story, that might illustrate this particular "looking back" concept.  I love to hike, usually by myself.  I made it a personal goal to section hike the entire 2200 miles of the Appalachain trail (over a period of years).  One particular trip I found  myself on a Pennsylvania portion of the AT.  For those in the know, Pennsylvania is lovingly referred to as ROCKsylvania, because... ROCKS!  Everywhere!

I'm sharing with you now a picture I took of these rocks.  I keep it as my computer background.  Seems relatively harmless upon first glance.  But, here's the truth:

- If you step on the TOP of a seamingly flat rock, it might not be stable, and so you slip or fall.  

- Or, you think, by stepping on one of the more triangular shaped rocks, you will only slightly twist your ankle, but more likely just get a stabbing pain into the bottom of your foot.

- If you attempt to step BETWEEN rocks, your ankle will be cut by the sharp edges

And this constant assault goes on for miles... and hours.. each day!

...THOSE DAYS? I use as a beacon of hope for the days when I need inspiration...

Thank you for your time...

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